2016年2月14日 星期日


西方有情人節,中方有人日,而我們定向就有技術測試。能在此特別日子遇上定向,過得可其快樂。可是,今天我遇上了情敵,更被它擊敗了:( 我實在太心急,還沒深入了解它,已經朦著眼殺過去。(Rough O)
我情敵 - Today's Map (Using Vegetation 10years ago)
Course on 2015 Vegetation
(Made a few mistake for plotting the points for CP3-4 but simply
lazy to change)

Actual Race Time: 108min
Total Mistake Time: 45min
Ideal Finishing Time: 63min

Leg Time: 2'30"
Mistake Time: 1'
Ideal Time: 1'30"

經過起點時,沒有精細設計前往CP1的路線。我拿了個Bearing 便沖了過去。我一路跑經過墳知道自己方向正確, 但去到個咀落窩入point 時都唔肯定自己去到邊。估估下見到林邊有舊大石行入d 就見到個CP. 簡單黎講,呢個Point 靠運氣。

I started hesitating after passing the grave (green route)
I wasn't sure where I was as the contours were quite confusing.
there wasn't a big rock in the new map!

Leg Time: 3'38"
Mistake Time: 1'
Ideal Time: 2'38"

都唔太清楚自己做緊乜,冇一個Concrete 的計劃。爬爬下就去到個山窩。過咗之後,見到好幾個泥坡,以為自己已經到咗Point 附近。點知系Parallel Error,呢個泥坡系前少少個個。我繼續入,經過粒大石就到Point.

I didn't plan much for this leg. I just aim to pass by the huge re-entrant first,
then I saw I few earth banks, so I thought I had arrived the control.
However, it turned out to be a parallel error.
as the map didn't have those new earth bank fielded.
Purple route seems like the best one.
Taking 2015 vegetation in to account,
my route seems to be the best one.

Leg Time: 5'03"
Mistake Time: 3"
Ideal Time: 2'03"

又太心急。諗住乜都唔理,沖咗入白林先算。一出Point 就沿咗小徑走,行咗入密綠,入唔到白林個邊。幾經辛苦,爬爬下終於入翻個白林。不過我唔知自己入低咗。四圍搵都搵唔到。然後,我開始懷疑係咪落低咗。於是, 我向上走,見到舊大石,蹲低密林後有個Point 又系靠運氣搵到。

I didn't plan much again for this leg. I just aim to get into the forest
but I didn't take bearing and go straight (I have no idea why didn't I)
Then, I got into those dense vegetation. It took awhile to crawl out of that
and get back into the forest. I didn't know which part of the forest once I got in.
Leg Time: 5'02"
Mistake Time: 2'30"
Ideal Time: 1'42"

一睇經過平地,上山丘就到,但實行唔到計劃。我搵唔到路通的位置,望到塊平地,卻過唔到去。(有其他人搵到,同我計劃一樣, 佢1分幾已經到Point.) 我見太密,唯有改變計劃,搵第二個方法。
我兜過塊岩地同大石,見Okay 通,慢慢爬爬下,就落翻條小徑。一入翻快平地,就如計劃入Point.

I just aim to get to the flat land, but the vegetation was dense.
I was forced to get to the path first.
I wasn't lucky enough to find the path walked by previous competitors.
Leg Time: 7'51"
Mistake Time: 3'
Ideal Time: 4'51"

太心急 未Plan 好路線 就行咗。我落翻小徑,然後沿住個山咀上(當時唔肯定自己系邊個咀,靜系靠個超高山,估大概方向) 真系好迷茫。行行下估到自己可以翻翻CP1。於是,沿小徑跑翻去經過CP1, 再向上打橫掃過去。
當然,有更好route choice.宜家睇清楚,我當初系可以沿窩上or 隔離個咀,然後經過個坳就可以到Point. 快好多。只怪當初冇好好計劃路線。

I didn't plan much again, but I was lazy and tired,
so I don't want to climb. I lost track where I was as
I forget to take bearing again. I only used the super tall mountain beside
to keep my direction correct. I have no idea how did I get the path and back to CP1.
Leg Time: 5'38"
Mistake Time: 3'38"
Ideal Time: 2'38"

呢個我諗住平Con, 但唔知點解唔記得打Bearing lol 一心靜系諗數咀同窩。
冇Bearing 自然唔肯定自己岩唔岩。去到山咀,我唔知自己到未(其實到咗) 見有人系個度上黎 我就落去搵 距離感唔好 好驚落得太低 慢慢落。

I forgot to take bearing again, my mind just aimed for counting
the correct numbers of spurs and re-entrants. Then, I lost track where I was.
I arrived the correct spur but I didn't know. I stood right there and relocated myself
Leg Time: 7'51"
Mistake Time: 3'
Ideal Time: 4'51"

打完CP6 就狂向上爆,衝翻上小徑。一路跑跑跑去到塊平地。跑到個墳,發現可以繼續跟另外一條小徑入Point, 但當時又懶得兜翻轉頭,唯有繼續跑去另外一塊平地,經過另外一個墳,諗住可以一落見到。點知密到不得了。穩陣d 都系由墳打Bearing 落去。但密到根本冇可能直去到。我又蹲低睇,穿過密林見到舊石,又比我見到個Point. 認住個位後,又拿拿聲兜個外圍入Point. 結果都系要爬入去lol 認真好似BB 咁爬。

My route (red+blue)
I missed the path after reaching the flat land.
I didn;t discover that until I passed by the first grave
I decided not to go back.
It was so dense which gave a hard time to find the control.
I crawled like a baby lol
Leg Time: 5'24"
Mistake Time: 3'30"
Ideal Time: 1'34"

呢個又心急又冇打好bearing, 向東偏咗少少。睇植皮又冇諗過個Point 會系白林(10年前的圖植皮系唔可靠的) 我望住塊密林又覺得唔對路,結果都系決定落去望下,又落咗條小徑。原本諗住有冇得行小徑,跟住打橫Cut 入Point. 跟住望住d 密林,算 不可能的任務。唯有又翻翻平地重新打Bearing 入翻塊白林。打Point

My bearing was wrong here. I hesistated before I got to the path.
but I still got down. I thought I could cut across back to the control.
but due to the face that it was so dense. I went back to the grave
and took a correct bearing. I got into the forest.
I told you the vegetation was so confusing when
the control supposed to be in an open area.
It was completely dense in CP3-4 despite the flat land was actually quite clear.
In that case, The re-entrant to CP5 is completely green. Glad that I didn't run into it.
Taking the path seems like a better choice for CP6,
After renewing the vegetation, the purple route wasn't feasible at all though
it should be a faster choice. The location of control was completely green!
Leg Time: 6'
Mistake Time: 1'30"
Ideal Time: 4'30"

打完Point 就拿拿聲繼續沿小徑跑。一心諗住沖去塊白點黃地度。落黎時經過兩塊泥地,令我懷疑自己有冇行錯。不過都照落咗去先,因為我知自己要去個坳位度。落到去見到廢屋知道自己就到,但當時眼殘睇唔到地圖第一間屋。對錯屋。早咗搵Point 當時已經好奇點解搵唔到個山丘。原來自己根本向錯方向搵。

The vegetation confused me again. I saw two open area
while I was getting down the hill. I persuaded myself to continue to get down
as my aim was to get to the saddle, but then I counted wrong numbers of houses
which caused me to start finding the control earlier than I should.
Leg Time: 1'20"
Ideal Time: 1' (Run Faster)


I didn't plan much for this, simply got a approx bearing.
Check the contour on my way, then there you go.
Going straight seems like a good idea,

but in this case, going straight definitely not a good idea.

Leg Time: 5'30"
Mistake Time: 3'30"
Ideal Time: 2'

離開CP10, 我無打bearing,同時又無睇清楚圖,一路沿小徑跑。於是,就來個Parallel Error. 
同樣山頂有個re-entrant 不過呢個無甘明顯。我落左去個林睇,覺得唔對路。爬翻上去,向落走少少(個時都未知錯) 甘又比我搵到個Point 

I didn't plan a lot. I followed the path and didn't take bearing.
I just aimed to pass by the re-entrant and get to the top.
Parallel error occurred again. It took me some time to find the control

2 other better routes.

BUT in this case, my route is only choice

Leg Time: 3'14"
Ideal Time: 2'50" (Run Faster)

one of my best leg today as it was just handrail

Leg Time: 10'01"
Mistake Time: 7'
Ideal Time: 3'01"

原本諗住打直跑過黃地,經過坳就會到。點知我入錯小徑,都唔緊要。去到三面頂中間的坳,我唔太肯定自己去到邊去到個圈內頂自己唔知,當時自己其實離個Point 少過10米,但自己冇繼續行落去。跟住又行翻轉頭,去到個坳再重新搵。四圍行,都唔知自己搞緊乜。用個大窩墳再打Bearing 入又去翻一開始個頂,行幾步就見到個Point. 真系冇野好講。後先明明已經好近。
I planned to go straight. but I entered the wrong path. Then I got lost.
I was super stupid. I was actually very close to the control (<10m)
but I wasn't sure where I was and went back to the saddle and
looked around. 
3 different route choices

There was a new grave wasn't fielded in the old map
which confused me. 
Leg Time: 9'20"
Mistake Time: 2'
Ideal Time: 7'20"

炒完就好心急啦 我都唔記得當初有咩計劃。只系一路打橫跑經過一個新墳(地圖冇) 入翻黃地,去到好近CP12. 原本諗住經過坳然後咀再去Point 但眼前綠林 令我打消呢個主意。結果都系跑翻轉頭。經過山頂另外一邊的小徑一路跑跑跑去到個細頂,一路沿咀落搵緊塊泥坡。一直冇但又
唔信咁低。不過冇死啦 落咗小徑先 一落到去行幾步就見到個Point

I didn't have a concrete plan here. I almost got back to the CP12
and wondered if I could find the path to CP14 but it was so dense,
I went back and found another path. I got down along the spur to the control 
Green route was my initial route but it was too dense
so I changed my route to red one.
In this case, my route seems to be the only route.
glad that I didn't get into the dense vegetation near CP12
in order to find the path
Leg Time: 13'41"
Mistake Time: 4'
Ideal Time: 9'41"

呢個用咗CAR. 由個Control 睇起,發現直去好危險。我計劃繼續沿咀走過河落另外一條小徑經過破屋一路沿山咀小徑跑上。臨過河時,經過綠林,鏟緊時突然聽到正背面有一群蜜蜂聲,嚇到我拿拿聲鏟快d. 過河個刻幾經跌落水,一跳攬住對面舊石慢慢Sur 翻落地。搵到條小徑就跑啦 經過破屋照計劃入小徑 。但我系跑咗呢座山另外一邊個條小徑。(後來我睇翻新圖,我計劃行的山咀根本已經不存在) 我冇計啦 唯有一路跑個條小徑,同時有企圖打橫cut 過另外一邊,但真系太密。結果,兜咗個大圈,出翻大路,再入小徑。跟住我跑過龍少於10米 明明見到山頂d 山 冇可能再過 於是我行翻轉頭幾步 已經見到point.

I used CAR in this control, and I realised it was dangerous to get through
the vegeation if I go straight. so I decide to get down along the spur and
crossed the river and got to the control by following the path along the spur.
But I got into the lower path. It was so dense that I couldn;t cut across.
and that's the reason why. the path I planned to follow was gone

Leg Time: 4'20"
Ideal Time: 3'50" (Run Faster)

出翻大路經過集合點跑大路到第一個大窩就打橫Cut 入到Point. 當時有諗過係咪應該直去,不過到宜家都覺得系決定是對的。

I followed purple route but I was considering red route while I was running.
but nah, purple was safer.

This proves I was right.

Leg Time: 6'44"
Mistake Time: 4'
Ideal Time: 2'44

呢個lost track 咗自己系邊,讀圖差,唔夠距離感。早咗個窩開始搵,又冇Point 落翻小徑,估自己大概系個彎位。於是,我繼續向前去。見到個黃地窩。由下掃翻上去。個Point 系d 密林裡面。

I lost track where I was after passing a few spurs and re-entrants.
I started finding the control in one re-entrant earlier.
Going straight seems like the best route, though following the path should be good too

Leg Time: 2'20"
Mistake Time: 1'
Ideal Time: 1'20"

太心急 應該跑小徑最好。我兜遠咗 去咗個咀到 結果知道唔通,都系死死氣跑翻上小徑。知道入圈,一向右望就見到Point.

I was too eager to get back to finish
and didn't read the map well.
I should have go straight here.

Leg Time: 1'53"
Ideal Time: 1'43" (Run Faster)

一路沿植物分界跑。去到個窩,對眼scan 一scan 見到個point 就即刻沖去打

My route was green one.but blue is good too

Leg Time: 1'13"
Ideal Time: 1' (Run Faster)
已經冇乜力跑 死死氣捱翻去。
Going straight looks good.

No, going straight doesn't look good,

總括而言, 真系唔滿意今日表現。Overall flow 都唔順。雖然今日比平時用多咗好多contouring, 但實在太心急,未設計好路線同未攞Bearing就沖咗去。好多Controls 其實可以直線去,但我當日唔知唔點解好少consider 完全靠指南針直線去。冇咗vegetation, 用多咗時間去定位。(如果用新圖玩呢條course, 我有信心可以玩快d) 而且, 今日去到後半部分已經好缺水,無曬心情玩。

黎緊星期日又同定向拍拖啦 希望我可以改善翻以上缺點啦